Need your help: Asian Representation Survey
It's only been in the last couple of years that we've had a tremendous increase in Asian representation in North America. Movies and television, toys, leadership, books. We've been saying that we've needed it for so long but somehow it kept falling short. It's been wonderful to see the increase in representation but I still feel that it's not enough. Do you feel that too?
I've been wanting to write an article of my own experience but that's just it - it's only my own experience. Of course my experience is valid and worthy, but it would be so much more powerful for us, as a collective group, to stand together and articulate what we truly think and feel about our representation in society.
As such, I created a survey to help us do just that. Will you be able to help me? I'm hoping to gather the opinions of at least 100 people within the Asian-American community who can tell me what they really think and feel about representation. Does it matter to you? Do you still feel like more can be done? Your voice matters! I will be using this data and hope that I can spread more awareness on this issue!
You can help by going to https://bit.ly/asianrepresentationsurvey or by clicking the link below. I will be closing the survey in a couple of weeks and will share the results with you! Let’s join forces and make our thoughts known. Together, we can ensure that Asian representation continues to grow and flourish.