Embracing Diversity: Joeydolls Featured on Tesz Millan's YouTube Channel

Embracing Diversity: Joeydolls Featured on Tesz Millan's YouTube Channel

I am overjoyed to share some incredible news with you all—Joeydolls, our World's Most Diverse Asian Dolls, recently took center stage on Tesz Millan's YouTube channel. Tesz and I had a deep and meaningful conversation about the journey that led to the creation of these special dolls.

If you haven't already, check out the feature here: World's Most Diverse Asian Dolls 💛 Embracing Diversity with Joeydolls Asian Toy Collection

In this intimate interview, I opened up about my childhood, where dolls that looked like me were nowhere to be found. The impact of this absence fueled my determination to break down the colour barrier, inspiring the birth of Joeydolls.

Tesz beautifully captures the essence of Joeydolls, emphasizing our commitment to combat anti-Asian racism and colorism. Each doll in our collection represents a unique Asian heritage, adorned in outfits that celebrate the beauty of diversity, from Chinese and Filipina to Vietnamese, Japanese, Indian, and Korean.

I shared with Tesz the challenges I faced in bringing Joeydolls to life, emphasizing that these dolls are more than just toys—they are lifelong companions for children, designed to grow with them while promoting inclusion and acceptance.

We discussed the vital role of gathering feedback, highlighting the importance of creating dolls that resonate with children of all backgrounds. Through this process, Joeydolls have become symbols of self-worth and beauty for every child, regardless of ethnicity.

Tesz and I also bonded over our shared struggles as Asians pursuing creative lives. It's incredible how these challenges led us to endeavours that aim to make the world a happier, more diverse place for future generations.

The feature concludes with Tesz expressing a special connection to the Filipina doll in our collection, holding a unique place in her heart.

I invite every one of you to join us in celebrating this milestone and to explore the profound message of diversity and inclusion embedded in Joeydolls. A heartfelt thank you to Tesz Millan for shining a spotlight on the meaningful journey behind the World's Most Diverse Asian Dolls.

Let's continue spreading the love and joy of diversity with Joeydolls!

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