AAPI Small Business Series: Habbi Habbi Bilingual Resources

AAPI Small Business Series: Habbi Habbi Bilingual Resources

Welcome to the sixteenth Asian American small business blog, which serves as both a testament and a guide to the entrepreneurial spirit. This digital sanctuary is a celebration of resilience, creativity, and cultural richness, offering insights, stories, and invaluable resources. Dive into a diverse tapestry of narratives, from success stories to challenges conquered, all echoing the vibrant mosaic of Asian American entrepreneurship. Join us on a journey about Habbi Habbi Bilingual Resources.

Tell us about yourself & what your business does.

We make language learning accessible for ALL families - offering Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, French, Korean, and Hindi bilingual books/flashcards/puzzles - that all come alive with the tap of our magical Reading Wand (TM).

How long have you been in business and how did it all begin?

We start on 9 September 2019. We were raising bilingual kids and made it for ourselves and wanted to also help other families - heritage, non-native, and other families across cultures.


What are some challenges you have faced in running this company, as well as an Asian-owned small business?

1. Being a #mompreneur - trying to balance raising a family (newborns) with also starting a new company. There were times when we would be in our shared warehouse space for the full day, using the 1 public restroom (1 toilet/stall) to pump.

2. Growing and scaling without external investment. While this was a purposeful decision, it means that we are always balancing cash flow, investment to grow, what we do ourselves (#hustle), what we hire for, etc.

What are your thoughts on the changing landscape in the industry?

This a complex one to answer because in order for it to really change, everything and everyone needs to be involved. And that's hard. I think we're making headway and it's better than before. And we also have a long way to go. Fundamentally, there needs to be more support and exposure. From how caregivers are equipped, and what they teach in the classrooms to financial support. For communities to access better schools and teachers. Teachers to be paid resourced properly. Families to have job security. Government and businesses to be accountable for their actions. There needs to be more of us, in every sense of the word. There already is way more of us than not, but we exist in our own strong communities. And those who support us, need to be out there more. It's not just our job to make a difference. Let's be honest, it's so tiring to be doing both - carrying the load and making the change. This doesn't get highlighted often enough and this needs to change too.


What are your favorite things about your company?

1. We can make products we use, are passionate about, are proud of

2. We genuinely make a positive difference in people's lives

3. We are carving our own path

What are your hopes and dreams at your company?

1. Grow the bilingual learning space such that it's as instinctive as phonics, Montessori, or other basic learning curriculums.

2. Be the go-to resource when families (& schools) think about bilingual learning resources

3. Build a company we, our kids, and our families can continue to be proud of

4. Try to grow and scale (to have more work-life balance)

5. Always have fun

How can we best follow and support you?

Instagram: @behabbi

Website: www.habbihabbi.com


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